Focus Study

 Lumbia Tree or Sago Palm

      The Sago Palm or Metroxylon sagu,Rottb, known  to our locality as Lumbia tree.  It is also considered as the humankind's oldest foodplant. (Ave 1977). It is  similar to coconut tree. It will grow near brackish or fresh-water swamps . It is abundant  along the coastal areas  in  Visayas and  most parts in Mindanao like Agusan , Surigao and Davao. (Flores,2009). It grows to about 30 feet high and 2-3 feet wide in diameter.  It matures in 12-15 years. 
      In barangay Banza, the Sago Palm which is used to make Unaw or popularly known as Lumbia.

  Brgy. Banza: Paramount of Admirable Sights"

 It was August 6, 2011 when  were  scheduled for an educational  tour for the Doon Po SA Amin project.  It was approved by our Principal I-Rey C. Collado . Our itinerary were Banza, Antongalon, Alviola and Bonbon .   There were 3 jeepneys hired on that unforgettable day. Each team had an assigned topic already. Our team was assigned in  the topic concluding the delicacy of Butuanon: Palagsing .     

       Our first stop was at Banza church ruins  (Banza- location of the ruin). According to Butuan Tourism Website, this used to be the most beautiful church in Mindanao until it got destroyed by Moro pirates in 1753. It was built in 1625 by Recollect Friars, and since its destruction- leaving only the bell tower, it is now dubbed as the "oldest ruin of a stone church in the entire island of Mindanao."
We were all listening to the tour lady assigned on that day . They taught us some fascinating facts about the old church.

  After the going to the Church ruins, we proceed to the poblacion of Banza .The palagsing team  started  asking and looking for the place where palagsing makers were located.
       The green center cab was also used in transporting to reach our destination. We experienced to ride this kind of  transportation. We chatted a lot of times.

And finally we found it .... Just a few more steps and we will enter the house of Nanay Carmen Pastor a Palagsing Maker. We were all excited for how we will talk to her.

We had a little photoshoot to have some entertainment. We were all excited when we heard that for a little ride we will reach our destinaton.

Our dear ICT Mentor, Mrs. Balla instructed us to take pictures for our blog.

         The second trip  to Brgy. Banza, Butuan City. We were so thankful to Jenny Mission’s parents because they let us borrow their car.

          Welcome to the part where we will engage more of our Physical fitness, knowledge and collaboration. Nanay Carmen a known Palagsing maker did a great job as our Chef. We will teach you step by step. And, how tremendous is the work making the Sago starch or Unaw . 

Steps in Making"Unaw"

Step 1:  Splitting the tree open lengthwise.

Step 2: Get the pith from the lumbia tree. It is not an  easy task (using traditional methods. The trunk is split and its insides hacked out, bit by bit, by a blunt hoe-wielding or  "hapos".

Kriza and Marie do the ‘hapos’.

Step 3:  Put the pith in a container and then put it in the ‘baroto’ (small boat). Add water to the sago "pitch" and squeeze it  to extract the starch.  The water will change into orange mixture.

Step 4: Put the pith in a container. Dry up for 2-3 hours.This is the so called "unaw" or the  starch is further drained in ingenious and beautiful conical
sieves made from the base of the leaf of the "sago" palm from whence
it came.

Steps in Making Palagsing:

     Step 1: Split the coconut in two.

     Step 2 : Grate the young coconut using the grater.

Step 3 : Put the ingredients altogether.
Step 4:  Mix all the ingredients that has been prepared.

Step 5:  Put the mixed ingredients in the banana leaves.

Step 6: First peel the banana leaf that had not been used into small lengthwise pieces. Tackle the palagsing using the banana leaf.

Step 7:  Put the palagsing in the canister and heat it up on the fire.

Step 8 : After all the skillful tasks we did, we were so proud of our new version of Palagsing!

 “The Untold Stories of our Palagsing Makers”

   Last November 9, 2011 our journey had been initiated again. We went to Brgy. Banza, Butuan City to talk with Palagsing Makers. We evenly asked them about how Palagsing changed their living. They’d just answered to us that it helped them in their everyday needs like rice, viand and other ingredients. We were so glad that even in a small way we promoted their products through our blog. We were so elated of what we’ve hear from them.

    According to Lola Pastor in every week she earns more or less 400 -500  days since  she cooked only  2 to 3 times and it depends on the availability of unaw.

They even told us where they sold their respective aftermath. They told us the following places were Butuan City Hall, Agusan del Norte Capitol, Butuan City Public Market, Police Stations, Aneco, Philippine Port Authority and some other public places. 

Knowing how hard to be Palagsing Maker makes us uneasy to ask further questions but, with their courage to promote their delicacy we never forgot to smile. Having us to think that their situations were so complicated, and we were wondering how we could ever forgot our delicious Palagsing.

It was a heart-felt moment for each of us to interview our very respectable Palagsing Makers. We indeed enjoyed our moments with them. We will mark our calendars for these successful moments each of us received. We were so proud of them.

                      "The 61st Adlaw Hong Butuan"
     Cordial greetings there! You want more of our delicious delicacy? We will give you more of it. Through the Celebration of 61st Adlaw Hong Butuan! :

          The Barangay’s Best Agro Products Exhibition signaled the week long celebration of the 61st Adlaw Hong Butuan with “Biangon Hong Kamadyawan” (Pillar of Success), as this year’s theme.
BCES-Teachers posed during the 61st Adlaw Hong Butuan
Barangay Captain of Libertad  Vincent Rosario (green t-shirt )
 There were 86 barangays that were divided into ten (10) clusters with more or less six (6) barangays per cluster. Each cluster presented/diplayed their products ranging from  fresh agricultural products like fresh buco, eggplant, yellow corn @ P2.50 each, handicrafts made from buri such as shoulder bags, mats and many more. Assorted Butuanon delicacies abound like palagsing, suman, rice cake, yema, cocunot candies, and lots of it . Through the past few years, during the City's foundation Day celebration or the Adlaw Hong Butuan, there is a competition for the longest and the best tasting Palagsing in history.

We will not miss any part of it . We enjoyed every second of it from making the Unaw to the Palagsing making system and for discovering "The Untold Stories of our Palagsing Maker!"